
Weekly updates on Events, Photo Shoots, Fet-Erotica Magazine, Featured Artists and Contests

Fet-Erotica Magazine Issue 6 - Wax


FetCat LadySith

This week's featured FetCat is LadySith. She recently joined the Fet-Erotica Team and has already shot with one of our amazing Fet-Erotica Photographers.   More of LadySith's images coming soon! 

FetCat LadySith

FetCat LadySith

Fet-Erotica Newsletter vol. 1


Many artists do not know, but Fet-Erotica Fine Art is a new platform designed to help artist portray their art that many already judge by name before seeing the art itself.  Fet-Erotica is dedicated to the art of all things fetish and all things erotic. We don't judge, but rather help educate many who do not know how these artists express themselves through this particular style and genre. Our focus is on quality, composition, and the appreciation of Fine Art. We hope that we are able to reach many of artists and fans and help them appreciate the art that many of the artists in our publication are working on and sharing with the world. I am happy to say that we have been receiving submissions from all over the world and we are happy to be able to display and provide this medium to the rest of the world.

Recognizing ​team members. Kit Monroe, has joined the Fet-Erotic Team on a couple of levels. She is our Junior Editor as well as a FetCat model. I would like to thank you for your diversity, open mind, and your passion and hard work that you dedicate to our journey. Thank you for your contributions and creative spirit and we look forward to you being part of our team for years to come. 

Kit Monroe, Junior Editor and FetCat  

Kit Monroe, Junior Editor and FetCat  

We would like to say thank you to all our contributors and artists who have submitted material to Fet-Erotica Magazine. We appreciate all the support and love what all of you are doing and contributing. Issue 2 has been out for a couple of days now. This being our first publication, we are growing and acquiring amazing team members who are working hard to develop and help Fet-Erotica evolve to becoming a great publication.   Issue 1 & 2 can be purchased here (

We continue to look for artists such as writers, models, photographers, digital artists, wardrobe stylists and designers, makeup artists and hair stylists, and latex designers to interview, feature, and submit their works. Please contact us via email at for details on how to submit. 

Many who have submitted for issue 1, your tear sheets will be emailed to you. You should have received a digital copy of he magazine. If you have not, please contact us via email ( to receive your copy.   Please note tear sheets will be made available after the next issue is published. 

Issue 3 is already in the works and will be released in early March. Issue 3 has a bondage theme and there are many artists who have submitted their top work. It's going to be an exciting issue filled with Shibari from different artists all over the world.  Special thanks to John Peterson for letting us use his images to promote this issue. 

Photographer John Peterson Model Anonn

Photographer John Peterson Model Anonn

Photographer John Peterson Model Anonn

Photographer John Peterson Model Anonn

Many of you have heard and know of our FetCat Models. They are our promoting team and proud to say they are amazing models who will be promoting Fet-Erotica through social media, events, and workshops. They will be booking shoots and submitting to the magazine as they can. You can find our FetCat members here

we feature a different FetCat weekly on our main page and in social media. This week's featured FetCat is Anna J


I would like to introduce our newest FetCat members to our team: 

FetCat model Anna J is from the U.K. 28 years old originally from London. She is half Russian and half Serbian, Niš meets Nizhny Novgorod. 

FetCat model Anna J  

FetCat model Anna J  

FetCat model Honey Bella. Also from U.K. She is an internationally published fetish model who adores fetish and erotic photography in all its sensuous glory!

FetCat model Honey Bella

FetCat model Honey Bella

Finally we have FetCat model LadySith. She is a mother, power lifter, and women's activist. She's  been modeling for over a year now and looking forward to seeing a great deal of growth from LadySith. 

FetCat model LadySith

FetCat model LadySith

Another update, the Fet-Erotica Store is now up and selling products for you kinksters!!!  The store can be accessed via the website:

we are currently selling whips and floggers, which have been custom hand crafted by Anti-Social Products Unlimited. They can create just about anything on different quality and price levels. If interested in having something custom made for yourself or someone you know please contact us via emai ( for information and pricing. 


The Fet-Erotica Store will also be selling prints from Fet-Erotica Photographers, FetCat Models, and Fet-Erotica Members.  Fet-Erotica T-Shirts, paddles, whips, BDSM items, harnesses, etc will also be available to purchase from our store. We will also be allowing other artists to sell their items through the store as well.   To become a member or sell your prints or items, please contact us for more details via email ( 

Writing Contest - 2/22/17 - 3/20/17

We are starting a writing contest for all you writers. Winner of the contest has their piece featured in Fet-Erotica Issue 4. The subject for this contest is CHAINS.  Your submission should be 300-700 words long in any format you wish. Poems are accepted as well.  Submit your entry as an email to - subjevct should read issue 4 writing contest, describe your piece, attach and send. Deadline for your writing submission is 3/20/17. 

Winner of the contest will have their piece published in Fet-Erotica Issue 4. Winner will receive a tear sheet and a digital copy of the magazine. 

Fet-Erotica Magazine

We are just right around the corner from releasing our first issue of Fet-Erotica Magazine. I would like to thank so many artists (you know who you are) for your submissions and contributions to the magazine. We have artists from around the world who will be featured in the magazine. This issue will mark the evolution of our magazine, website, and its community.  Thank you again. - The Fet-Erotica Team


WAX WEEK coming to a close

Wax week was very interesting.  Thank you all who shared their work.  I would also like to announce the winner of our Wax Week Contest: Photographer Boris Mirkin/Kaos Studios with Model/hair/mua: Cat Ross/Ropo


Model Laura Lea & WAX WEEK

I put the travel in "travel model" because even though I live in Fayetteville, NC I almost never shoot in my home town. I was born in Maine, though most people thing I was born in Russia or some other Eastern Block country.

I don't really consider myself just a model anymore. I like to think of myself as more of an artist.

I want to create and modeling gives me a wonderful avenue to let my mind run rampant with concepts to shoot and looks to create.
I think what makes a model an artist is the need and the want to create their own concepts and start their own projects. Freelance modeling is a commitment to me. An investment. So I'll dump money into tailored outfits I create just for a shoot, usually 2-3 per shoot and come up with these concepts that I think would work best with each photographer. I don't just invest my body in modeling, I invest my heart and my soul.

Everything to me is done with purpose. Every shoot I aim to have a meaning behind the photos. Whether it's just aesthetically pleasing or dark and eerie to make you contemplate what you are looking at. We can all do the "pretty girl on bed" look and they make for lovely photos, but I aim to make it to be more than just that. Even with photographers that come with their own concepts to shoot, and clients who pay for a certain look, I always come with more options to offer or things to add to the look.

I love modeling for most of the same reason that other models love modeling. I like to have fun. I love seeing the finished result. I love being a part of something bigger and watching how elaborate a shot can get and it comes out amazing. It's worth the stress, the hard work, that long night staying up dying my hair, packing and unpacking my car, all the last minute wardrobe modifications and constantly learning new beauty/styling techniques to incorporate so I can be the all inclusive, can do model I want to be.

I love the kink side of modeling because I live it in my daily life. I don't have to fall into a character. I am most myself when I am being bound and strung up. The ironic thing about wearing a mask while being suspended is that there is no place to hide when I am floating feely. Being suspended like that is like coming home to me. It's letting go and just melting into the ropes. It's an embrace that bites and tears at you while it send you into the dark recesses of your mind, like laying on your back in the middle of the ocean, just drifting away and not caring. It's intoxicating and I usually pout and fight back when I am told I am coming down and as I am bring untied until the ropes loosen and the chemicals hit my brain like a drug and send me into subspace, which is the ultimate black hole that knocks you flat on your ass and makes you forget your own name.

And most importantly I need to add that I have had help along the way. I want to take this time to give credit where credit is much deserved and recognize someone that has made a great impression with many photographers and artist alike as an artist all in his own. I want to thank Dan Robert, who is my multi-facetted Assistant on the set and my husband off the set. Many photographers that I have worked with praise him for his helpfulness and his skill in so many areas. He is the one responsible for tying me in all my shibari/kinbaku rope works as well as having so many additional talents including being a self taught prosthetics artist, aiding with wardrobe construction, helping the photographers out by holding reflectors and pretty much anything else they ask him to do, and generally being there for me to bounce concepts off of and give me input. He's committed himself to many long weekends carting me around from one photographer to the next so I can rest in between and constantly trying to get me to stop eating that piece of candy before a shoot (cause I am HORRIBLE about dieting lol). I am very lucky to have such an asset to aid me and even luckier that he married my crazy ass.

So thank you Dan Robert for all your help and thank you to all the photographers who have worked with us to create something amazing.

Photographer Matt Schmidt  

Photographer Matt Schmidt