Photographer Depa Kote, a former Marine Combat Photographer. Currently photographing subjects and finding beauty ranging from art nudes to nature.
Vis our featured artist section for more about Depa and his work.
Weekly updates on Events, Photo Shoots, Fet-Erotica Magazine, Featured Artists and Contests
Photographer Depa Kote, a former Marine Combat Photographer. Currently photographing subjects and finding beauty ranging from art nudes to nature.
Vis our featured artist section for more about Depa and his work.
we would like to thank all the artists and contributors who have submitted to Fet-Erotica, we tip our hats to you as it is your work that has brought us this far and continues to amaze many in the art world as well as other industries. We hope to continue such relations and look forward to making new ones along the way. As we grow we see our artists grow and it shows through submissions and the publication. I would like to emphasize that we keep an open mind when it comes to art. There are many who believe their work needs something that's missing in order to submit. Please do not compare your art with others as we accept many forms and styles at all levels. We are here for the artists and want to help everyone grow by challenging them and pushing boundaries. Do not become discouraged as we do give advice along the way and try to help as much as we can.
The end of the quarter is near and we are very excited to publish the remaining issues of the year knowing that we have grown a great deal from when this was started to now. Here is a listing of what's to come:, please keep in mind these are not actual covers.
Fet-Erotica Magazine most recent and upcoming issues. Sign up to our email list to stay up to date
Issue 8 BDSM available now
Issue 9 ROPE available 9/15
Issue 10 BODY ART available 10/15
Issue 11 FETISH FASHION available 11/15
Issue 12 TBA
Supernatural & Fantasy issue. An out of the box creative issue filled with vampires, ware wolves witches and more. Artists Voxart 9 writes a bit about eroticism and the supernatural. Special feature and cover on the Erotica side by photographer Daniel Chase and model Olivia Preston, who models beautifully with a Boa, courtesy of Exotics by Andrea.
Fetish Cover - Photographer Portraits & Pinups - model Katja Macabre
Erotica Cover - Photographer Daniel Chase - Model Olivia Preston - Snake Handler Erotics by Andrea
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We are releasing our first issue in order for artists and fans to get a feel for the magazine, its content and style. The Magazine is composed of two major themes, Fetish and Erotica. These genres are broad and can encompass many other art forms which you will see in the magazine. The layout of the mag starts with Fetish themes on one side, when you reach the end, simply flip the magazine upside down and continue with the Erotica themes. This layout allows us to have two front covers and no back cover.
We like to focus on quality, composition, style, and theme when looking at submissions.
We are very interested in getting feedback from artists and fans regarding the magazine. You can leave comments and suggestions in response to this blog.
If there are any questions please feel free to contact us via email at
we hope you enjoy the magazine as much as we enjoy putting it together and looking at it as a whole.
Model Mika Lovely featured on the Fetish side
Photographer Marcus Kauth featured on the Erotica side
There are so many artists today creating fetish art and erotic art. We have photographers, models, MUA, hair stylists, designers, and wardrobe collaborating on amazing concepts. the images created are anywhere from simple to intricate and complex, but we also have writers, illustrators, and digital artists creating amazing works of art within these categories of art as well.
One of these artists, VoxArt9 will be contributing to Fet-Erotica Magazine and sharing his amazing work with the world. Please visit his Instagram @voxart9 for more of his work.