Fet-Erotica Magazine Issue 1
I would like to thank everyone who has submitted to Fet-Erotica Magazine and helped launch our first issue of the year. We are proud to have featured so many artists from photographers to models, to digital artists and writers. What we love the most is the diversity of the magzine and all of the art forms that express what is Fetish, what is Erotica and Fine Art.
One of the photographers featured in issue 1 of Fet-Erotica Magazine is from across the pond, and a pleasure to introduce him to many of you who do not know him, Lee Manston.
L.R.M Photography (Lee Manston)
I started photography just over three years ago after deciding that I wanted something new in my life, a new challenge so to speak. At the time I had no idea how far I would go with it or how much I would progress but I have always been of the mindset that if I did something I enjoy, I go for it 100%, and that has been the case with my photography.
For the first few years I was purely a studio photographer, turning the extension on the house into a 24/7 ready to go equipped studio. The last few months I have started to do more location and outdoor photography and I like the extra scope for creativity these locations can provide over a studio but I still do plenty of studio work and look at improving my lighting techniques on each shoot. I tend to shoot unconventionally at times, I love using natural light and using objects to create in camera effects, love reflections and always trying to think outside the box.
I still have so much to learn, both in shooting and post processing but that is the beauty about photography to me, there is always something else to learn and improve on.
More of L.R.M Photography can be found on any of the following:
Website - lrmphotography.co.uk | Purpleport - L.R.M Photography | Twitter - @LRMphotos | lnstagram - L.R.M_photography | Facebook - L.R.M Photography
L.R.M. Photography | Model Jodie Ellen
L.R.M. Photography | Model Lauren